Obama Administration Organizes Financial Package for Egypt

Anti-government protests are spreading across the Middle East, and with them the threat of additional change throughout the region. The Obama administration is currently working on an emergency financial aid package for Egypt with hopes of easing the country’s governmental transition. The US fears that the continuous pressure on its overtaxed economy will discourage all efforts for reform and merely induce another round of chaos.Michele Dunne, a Middle East specialist, has been advising the Obama administration throughout the current situation. She says the economy is “one of the greatest vulnerabilities for a country that’s in a transition like this.” She added that if the Egyptian citizens have high expectations of economic opportunities that are not met, conditions can worsen and “it could really sour relations between people.”Following former President Hosni Mubarak’s departure, the US has managed to organize several hundreds of millions of dollars to put towards Egypt and the building of political parties and other institutions.

Danielle Stoneman

Danielle Stoneman got involved with Left Justified in 2010, having studied political science and journalism throughout her college career. With her fresh approach to Washington’s scene, Stoneman focuses primarily on opinion pieces, providing readers with a highly unique perspective on current affairs. Contact Danielle at info(at)leftjustified.com.

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