Obama’s New Site AttackWatch Getting Attacked

President Obama is stepping up his re-election campaign with a strange new tactic – his campaign just created a new website called AttackWatch.com that is supposedly aimed at pushing back on attacks against the president.

Making Fun of AttackWatch

The site, at the moment, puts some of the “lies” that have come up about the president on its front pages.  It currently has “flawed” attacks from Texas Gov. Rich Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on it.  It also counters some of the misinformation that people have about Obama’s policies, including his gun rights policy, his approach to Israel and others.

Front Lines for Obama

While Jim Messina, Obama for America's campaign manager, encourages supporters to sign up on the site and to be part of the “front lines” in helping to spread Obama “truth,” others are using this as a chance to make fun of Obama.

Conservative pundits are having a ball making fun of Obama’s latest initiative.  Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin has referred to the plan as the “snitch police squad” and the site Human Events has called it the “little brother initiative.”

Using the Hash Tag

The Obama campaign has even created a hash tag to go along with the new site.  They encourage the public to be part of the efforts and to use the has tag #attackwatch.  Yesterday, however, the hash tag was being used much more to make fun of Obama than it was to protect him and his views.  Conservatives were busy complaining about him and about this approach to getting re-elected.  As Twitter user John Hayward tweeted, "Dear #AttackWatch: I just saw several people refuse to eat their peas. Do you have a SWAT team?"

Obama might want to rethink this one!

Dan Kazan

Dan Kazan has had years of experience writing for some of the largest newspapers and magazines in the USA. He was one of the first pioneers in bringing the news online and has focused most of his recent energies into making Left Justified the high quality online news and opinion site which it is.Dan can be reached at dankazan(at)leftjustified.com.

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